it seems that America’s favorite serial killer has proven to have nine lives
after all as Showtime has decided to lock Hall in for at least two more seasons
granting him a pay raise of 12 million per season and 24 million in total. David
Nevins, president of entertainment at Showtime. Had this to say about the
decision to keep Dexter around a bit longer. “Dexter's
enormous success is a real tribute to the great achievements of its cast,
producers, and the powerhouse performance of Michael C. Hall,” Nevins
then went on to say “The series is bigger than it’s
ever been in its sixth season, both in terms of audience and its impact on the
cultural landscape. Together with Michael, the creative team on the show has a
very clear sense of where they intend to take the show over the next two
seasons and, as a huge fan, I’m excited to watch the story of Dexter Morgan play
out.” Well then, I guess this means Dex is here to stay for the time
being, the only question remains now is if the creators can pull off ending the
show on a high note, and where will the next two seasons take our favorite
serial killer.
Tidbit: I know I’ve probably said this before, but I cannot foresee this show
ending on a positive note for Dexter Morgan.