Unleash your deadly skills as the brothers MacManus in our top-down shooter game Tournament! Go on your own righteous mission of revenge and share your results with friends! Play as often as you like in STORY MODE.
What You Win:
· GRAND PRIZE- collectible Boondock Saints 2 Movie Prop + a personal phone call from Film Creator/Writer/ Director Troy Duffy and “The Funny Man” actor David Della Rocco + autographed BDS swag
· 2ND PRIZE – Collectible BDS 2 Movie Prop + autographed BDS swag (TBD)
· 3RD PRIZE - autographed BDS swag (TBD)
· 7 runners up- BDS swag (TBD)
How to Participate.
1. Confirm Game has been properly downloaded and is working on your mobile device;
2. Sign up for a free Open-Feint account (directly from your device or at http://www.openfeint.com/ )
3. Play the Game in Story Mode
4. Check the leader board at BoondockSaints.com/mobile-game.php often to track results
Tournament ends at midnight (PST) Jan. 5, 2011
To learn more, visit http://www.boondocksaints.com/mobile-game.php
I don’t know about any of you, but being offered free collectible swagger is a fantastic incentive for indie gamers to join the fun, and for all you Boondock Betties out there, if there’s ever been a better reason to becoming a gamer this is it!